Monday, December 29, 2008

Thread safe singletons

With this rewrite of Ainur, I will loose several Ogre3D stuff.
Before thinking about shaders, post-process effects and all the graphics stuff, I need to implement "core" stuff like singletons.

In the previous version I wrote all the managers as singletons because the game engine only need one instance that is accessible from every place.

Since the new Ainur engine will be multi-threaded, I felt the need for a thread-safe implementation.

Single-threaded implementation

If you are sure that the singleton will be first accessed in a single-threaded context, for example during the initialisation fase where we do not have threads yet, a simple test for singleton existence is sufficient.

In this case, the Singleton has a private static pointer to the singleton instance, and public static functions such as getSingletonPtr() and getSingleton() to get the pointer or reference to the instance.

In getSingletonPtr() we create the pointer if it doesn't exist yet and return it to the caller.
The constructor and destructor are private, so that it's impossible to directly instantiate.

class Singleton



static Singleton* getSingletonPtr()


if (m_singleton == NULL)

m_singleton = new Singleton();

return m_singleton;


static Singleton getSingleton()


return (*m_singleton);



Singleton() {}

~Singleton() {}

static Singleton* m_singleton = NULL;


Multi-threaded implementation

What happens in a multi-threaded environment?
What, if multiple threads try to access the singleton at the same time?

We need to find a way to avoid creation of more than one instance.
In order to do this, I think we should use mutex locks to protect the singleton creation code from being executed by more than one thread at a time.

#include  m_singleton="new" m_mutex="CreateMutex(NULL,">
Attempting to Avoid Locking Overhead

That's pretty simple, and it works. However, you might notice that we've incurred the overhead of locking every time someone accesses the instance of the singleton.

There's a well-known pattern to eliminate this overhead, called the double-checked lock. It takes advantage of the fact that we can (apparently) check for null as a quick test before we even bother with locking. Here's how this would look:

T* T::instance()


if (smInstance == NULL)


VMutexLocker lock(&smMutex);

if (smInstance == NULL) // double-check

smInstance = new T();


return smInstance;


The idea is if we can see that the instance pointer is not null, then there's no need to even enter the synchronized lock and consider creating it.

Once we determine that the instance may need to be created, we enter the locked section. However, we need to re-check for null once we acquire the lock, because "we" may be the thread that lost a race to the lock. That is, another thread may have also checked for null at the same time (we both saw a null pointer) and then it acquired the lock first, created the instance, and released the lock before we were given the lock.

Unfortunately, while this will work reliably on many if not almost all platforms, there is no requirement that the combination of the compiler and the processor's memory model will work as this code intends. It is simply not guaranteed to work.

The Potential Problem

The problem comes from the following statement and the lack of guarantee of the order in which it performs its multiple sub-operations. (The same problem can exist in other languages such as Java and .NET; this is not a C++-specific issue.)

smInstance = new T();

Remember that in our attempt to optimize away unnecessary locking, another thread may be executing the first null check statement (prior to lock acquisition) at the exact same time as our thread is creating and assigning the instance:

if (smInstance == NULL)

Here is the core problem: We have no guarantee that T will be fully constructed before the pointer smInstance is assigned. For example, the compiler is within its rights to generate processor instructions that implement the statement in the following order:

Allocate a memory block sized for T.

Assign the address of the memory block to smInstance

Call T's constructor.

(Multi-processor memory architectures can provide a similarly "hostile" environment to our code.)

Consider then what happens if the other thread performs its unsynchronized null pointer test when we are between steps 2 and 3 of the instantiation statement: It will see a non-null value, and will proceed to return the pointer to the raw memory of the not-yet-constructed object.

The Outcome

Fortunately, we can fall back to the original "thread-safe" implementation if we want the instance() function to work with certainty from multiple threads on any platform and compiler.

This leaves you with some choices. If you are sure that the first call to instance() will be made in a single-threaded mode, such as during static initialization, then you don't need the lock. Similarly, if you know that (or can structure your code such that) the instance is created from the main thread before you create other threads, then you don't need the lock. Alternatively, the performance overhead of the lock may well be a non-issue unless you are calling instance() frequently--a classic case of "don't optimize prematurely", where you shouldn't work to eliminate the lock if it isn't a problem to begin with. And of course, if you reference the singleton a lot in one place, you can avoid the cost of checking the lock repeatedly by calling instance() once and then using the object directly, rather than calling instance() repeatedly.

In my Code Vault library, I've taken this two steps further, first by implementing the singleton pattern as a template that is parameterized with the locking requirements, and also allowing the singleton to be registered for deletion during program termination, with rules for whether a deleted singleton can "resurrected" if it is accessed after being deleted. 

Sunday, December 28, 2008

First cool screenshot!!!

This night I moved from PLSM2 back to Editable Terrain Manager which seems a loooooooot better!!

Killing Zone code merged back to Ainur

I merged back the Killing Zone code to Ainur which become a DLL.
The Ainur library is now statically linked to OIS with XInput support, Caelum, TinyXML and PagedGeometry.

The Killing Zone SVN now contains only the small executable (it's only a simple main.cpp), solution/project to link to Ainur.dll and game data.

Anyway given the incredible modularity, you can actually make games with a small main.cpp file and let Ainur do the rest or create your game states subclassing Ainur's classes to fit your needs.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Project restarted!

Hello everyone!

I am lucky enough to have some time during this Xmas vacations so I restarted Ainur.
Since it's the first time I write my own engine, I decided to create another project called Killing Zone, which is a playground for Ainur.

Unfortunately I dropped and rewrite some things, for example I could not get anything working with NxOgre for lack of detailed samples and API breaks between each version.
Now I am using OgreOde which seems fine, but I still need to implement a lot of stuff like the object system which will work with the actor controller class I implemented.

Anyway Ainur has its main loop and game state management, and actually loads some configuration from XML files (CEGUI schems and cursors, and also resource locations), it also have managers for graphics, input, physics and objects.
It also loads an example map with PLSM2!

I am now implementing the PagedGeometry system which will serve also on the purpose to redesign the Caelum system which is now part of the World class.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ainur is started!


Ainur analysis is started, the Google Code page will soon be available and I'm thinking about how cool my work will be.

If you don't know what Ainur means go here.

Let's talk 'bout scene managers

A simple application that renders a free Quake3 map is done. It uses Ogre3D, OIS, BspSceneManager and PhysX/NxOgre (although I cannot connect phisics to the world).

It's just a little application that doesn't do much, in fact I was looking for a good scene manager instead of the old BSP. The kind of games which will use Ainur will have both indoor and outdoor levels, and BSP is only indoor.
Big outdoor levels are cool, think about Crysis or GTA. I am planning a FPS game with the ability to drive cars and take the free way, or ride a motorcycle, or go by feet with your precision rifle and find the good place where you can kill some people. Amazing!

Anyway I've found this important link for BSP making and I've found the DotScene format and related tools and scene manager.
It's also possible to import BSP maps into Blender and export theme as .scene files.

Now I want to try DotScene and see if it's good. If that's good enought a video will be posted on YouTube to demonstrate a simple Ainur demo also with Ageia PhysX/NxOgre.

Anyway it seems that the DotScene loader found on ogreaddons is not updated.
The New DotScene Loader seems up to date and supported.

Also, I've found oFusion and its scene manager and I'm looking forward to see if it fits my needs.


As I said, I'm still using the good and old indoor BSP scene manager.
Since I can find a lot of Quake3 levels for free, it's possible to start hacking with compositors until a good scene manager has been found.

The first compositor is the obvious HDR effect. I'll also do a motion blur compositor, see here for a cool thing.

I will post screen shots and/or videos of the BSP demo program ASAP.
Anyway I must implement a GUI with CEGUI first and think about a configuration tab for the level of detail with some profiles (low, medium, high, very high) just like Crysis.