Saturday, December 27, 2008

Project restarted!

Hello everyone!

I am lucky enough to have some time during this Xmas vacations so I restarted Ainur.
Since it's the first time I write my own engine, I decided to create another project called Killing Zone, which is a playground for Ainur.

Unfortunately I dropped and rewrite some things, for example I could not get anything working with NxOgre for lack of detailed samples and API breaks between each version.
Now I am using OgreOde which seems fine, but I still need to implement a lot of stuff like the object system which will work with the actor controller class I implemented.

Anyway Ainur has its main loop and game state management, and actually loads some configuration from XML files (CEGUI schems and cursors, and also resource locations), it also have managers for graphics, input, physics and objects.
It also loads an example map with PLSM2!

I am now implementing the PagedGeometry system which will serve also on the purpose to redesign the Caelum system which is now part of the World class.

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